Mission Statement

EMCA4RJ is an international coalition of students and scholars working within the EMCA community to decenter whiteness and advance a justice-oriented scholarly movement. We join the global struggle to end oppression related to racism and colonialism and their intersecting systems of power, including but not limited to ableism, cissexism, colorism, heterocentrism, sexism, and economic and educational oppression.

Vision Statement

We envision a research and academic community that centers the perspectives and concerns of those who are historically marginalized, whose membership represents global diversity, and that engages in mutual support toward leveraging EMCA research and teaching on social interaction to contribute to the collective struggle to dismantle white supremacy and achieve racial and social justice.

Goals and Objectives

  1. Engage in collective learning to deepen our understanding of racism and other systems of oppression, identify how these systems operate globally, and both challenge and strategically use our various privileges.
  2. Build an international, diverse, and inclusive community of students and scholars for collaboration and mutual support in advancing EMCA research that centers the experiences of historically marginalized people and fosters a justice-oriented approach to the study of social interaction.
  3. Critically examine and encourage reflexive dialogue about how the EMCA community’s culture(s), norms, values, and practices are complicit in systems of oppression.
  4. Develop diverse datasets, literature bases, materials, and resources to support justice-oriented EMCA teaching, learning, and research.
  5. Support skills development for justice-oriented EMCA research through data sessions and collective mentoring. 
  6. Advance EMCA research and scholarship that seeks to understand how racism and systems of power are reproduced and resisted in social interaction.