EMCA4RJ Monthly Meeting #9


The next monthly committee meeting of EMCA4RJ will be held on the 5th of February 2021 at 10am Mountain Time. There will be updates from all the committees at the meeting and discussion of the new website design.

Data Session: Current Events


The February data session will be focusing on an interview between Gayle King and Miya Ponsetto. See here for the interview clip: https://twitter.com/CBSThisMorning/status/1347534506279006214 Please email for the zoom link

EMCA4RJ Monthly Meeting #10


The next monthly committee meeting of EMCA4RJ will be held on the 5th of March 2021 at 10am Mountain Time. There will be updates from all the committees at the meeting.

EMCA4RJ Learning Session


We will be reading together then discussing how racism and colonialism operate. The readings stem from multiple disciplines, including sociology, communication, social psychology, and postcolonial studies. The racism readings are US and UK-centric, and the colonialism readings will help us think about how racial inequality operates in different places around the world. As a group,…

EMCA4RJ Monthly Meeting #11


April 2nd @ 17:00-18:30 GMT The next monthly committee meeting of EMCA4RJ will be held on the 2nd of April 2021 at 5pm GMT. There will be updates from all the committees at the meeting

Current Events Data Session


Focus for this data session: The podcast on structural racism between host Ed Livingston, MD, the deputy editor for clinical reviews and education at JAMA, and guest Mitchell Katz, MD, the president and CEO for NYC Health + Hospitals and deputy editor for JAMA Internal Medicine.

EMCA4RJ Monthly Meeting #12


The May monthly meeting of the EMCA4RJ group to discuss committee matters including: Website and PR Committees: discussion of the website Teaching Committee: Transcription summer school 2022 + data storage + grants for transcription/adding to data for teaching Data Session Committee: Upcoming data session Publications group: updates on progress

Journal group meeting


Next meeting for the journal project group. Please contact for logging in details.

Data Session – J Robles


The May data session will be with Jessica Robles. Data was collected by US undergraduate students and the collection consists of clips that include references to explicit race (or possibly-racialized) categories

Workshop with Edward Reynolds


This workshop, rather than data session, was entitled: "A contemplative approach to presenting traumatic interactional data"

EMCA4RJ 1 year anniversary meeting


We will celebrate our accomplishments for the year and discuss future directions (complete with slides)! If you're curious about the group or have been meaning to get more involved, then this is a perfect meeting to attend.

Data session with Rahul Sambaraju


The July data session will be with Rahul Sambaraju. Please email to join.